- [S6] Emma Girimonte (#320).
- [S17] Pulella, Raffaele, interview. 327 Leroy Ave., Cedarhurst, New York
11516, USA.
- [S18] Piciullo, Gennaro Lawrence, interview. 41 Hanson Place, Sayville,
NY 11782.
- [S40] Spinnato, JoAnn, letter. From New York, USA, to Girimonti, William Joseph III.
- [S59] Girimonte, Franco. E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S63] Ufficio Dello Stato Civile, Castelsilano, Crotone, Calabria, Italy. Municipio di
Castelsilano (KR), Italy.
- [S64] Ufficio Dello Stato Civile, Castelsilano, Crotone, Calabria, Italy. Municipio di
Castelsilano (KR), Italy. Death Record.
- [S83] Gallo, Rosella, interview. Casabona, (KR) 88070, Italy.
- [S86] Palopoli, Concetta, interview..
- [S100] Ufficio Dello Stato Civile, Castelsilano, Crotone, Calabria, Italy. Birth Record.
- [S148] Birth Record Index of Siskiyou County, California, USA. Online http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~shannara/Birth/…
- [S151] Girimonti, Carol Ann. E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S171] The Pumpkin's Roots. Online http://www.three-systems.com/gen/direct/d0001/…
- [S187] Sacramento, Sacramento, California, USA State of California. Birth Record.
- [S190] U.S. Federal Census (1910).
- [S212] Barcos De Agnelli Website. Online http://www.barcosdeagnelli.com.ar
- [S226] Reunion.com. . Reunion.com, Inc: 2005.
- [S233] Scott, Tina Kathryne. E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S234] Maniotis, Michael. E-mail message from e-mail address.

- [S236] Girimonti, Diane. E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S240] Girimonti, Jennifer Anne. E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S264] U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946. N.p., n.pub.
- [S291] Paul Puente. E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S345] Girimonti, Thomas F.. E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S355] H.F. Suhr & Co., compiler. Funeral Records of H.F Suhr & Co.. San Francisco:
H.F. Suhr & Co., 1906 - 1907.
- [S360] City Directory of San Francisco, California, 1913. N.p.: H.S. Crocker Co., 1913.
- [S371] National Archives and Records Administration. Airline Passenger Manifest.
- [S373] Scott, Richard. E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S380] Ufficio Dello Stato Civile, San Giovanni in Fiore, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy,
39.253333,16.697222 Municipio di San Giovanni in Fiore (CS), Italy Banns.
- [S383] Ufficio Dello Stato Civile, San Giovanni in Fiore, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy,
39.253333,16.697222 Municipio di San Giovanni in Fiore (CS), Italy Marriage Banns.
- [S387] LaCalamito, Cathy. E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S408] Heintz, Denise. E-mail message from e-mail address.

- [S410] Balbo, James. E-mail message from e-mail address.

- [S435] One Center Street, 22nd Floor, New York, New York, New York, USA, 40.713056,-74.003611,
New York City Department of Finance.
- [S444] Ufficio Dello Stato Civile, Castelsilano, Crotone, Calabria, Italy. Municipio di
Castelsilano (KR), Italy. Atti di Battezzato di Casino, Catanzaro, Calabria, Italy.
- [S473] FamilySearch, Marriage.
- [S490] Wood, Richard F.. E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S495] Linda Freeman. E-mail message from e-mail address.

- [S507] San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, California, USA.
- [S525] National Cemetery Administration. U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006.
- [S535] Maqt10. Ancestry.com Family Tree.
- [S541] Devangl74. Ancestry.com Family Tree.
- [S543] Hellode. Ancestry.com Family Tree.
- [S544] U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 2. Online http://www.ancestry.com
- [S549] Ufficio Dello Stato Civile, Toritto, Bari, Puglia, Italy Municipio di Toritto (BA),
Italy Marriage Record.
- [S550] Ufficio Dello Stato Civile, Toritto, Bari, Puglia, Italy. Municipio di Toritto (BA),
Italy. Death Record.
- [S552] Ufficio Dello Stato Civile, Altamura, Bari, Puglia, Italy. Municipio di Altamura (BA).
Death Record.
- [S622] Centro Internazionale Studi Emigrazione Italiana. Online http://www.ciseionline.it
- [S637] Ancestry.com. Marriage Record Index.
- [S647] Wooldridge, Jesse Walton. History of the Sacramento valley, California, vol. 2.
Chicago: The Pioneer Historical Publishing Company, 1931.