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Father | Antonio Piciullo b. 23 Feb 1897, d. 16 Jan 1993 | |
Mother | Elena DiCarlo b. 22 Jun 1898, d. 22 Oct 1984 |
Gennaro Lawrence Piciullo

Relationship | Great-uncle of William Joseph Girimonti III |
Family |
Madeline Rose Licastro | |
Children | 1. | Anthony Piciullo+ |
2. | Mary Piciullo | |
3. | Joseph Piciullo | |
4. | Gennaro Piciullo Jr.+ | |
5. | Thomas Piciullo |
Found in Census | Census Index | |
Information Source | Data Contributors Index | |
Last Edited | 28 Dec 2013 |
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